Saturday, June 14, 2008

Help is on the way!

I attended one of Dr. Jordan Rubin’s Perfect Weight America! Seminars this week.

After reading the introduction to his latest book Perfect Weight , along with his collaborator Dr Bulwer’s comments, I know that this is a message much needed at this time for everyone alive!

We all need to become more aware of the real issues of life: pure water, fresh air, sunshine, optimal nutrition, exercise, rest, temperance, healthy relationships with each other, and TRUST in our Creator and Sustainer for ALL things!

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The Perfect Weight America wellness plan teaches you what to eat, when to eat it, how to cheat right, which foods can add fat and which foods can help it disappear. You’ll discover which foods make you hungrier and which foods keep you feeling full…Get the directions you need to make a U-turn in life and get headed in the right direction.
Does this describe your life?
-years since you woke up feeling refreshed or attacked the day with some spring in your step.
-life revolving around innumerable visits to the family doctor and expensive specialists who struggle to find out what’s “wrong” with you.
-gulping down powerful drugs to fight off the ravages of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heartburn, and a host of ailments
-wondering if the side effects aren’t worse than the disease
You will be empowered with information that will equip you to live your life’s purpose while learning simple yet effective steps to reach your perfect weight by:
-learning strategies to burn fat, improve your digestion, and boost your immune system
-avoiding foods that cause hunger
-experiencing renewed energy
-learning how to raise healthy children
-learning which nutritional supplements are integral to weight loss
-discovering a groundbreaking nutritional supplement that’s been clinically proven to target belly fat
-learning how to cheat without sabotaging your diet
-learning how to cleanse harmful toxins from the body
-learning ways to protect the environment for future generations

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