Thursday, June 5, 2008

Think About It!

Physical well-being and good nutrition go hand-in-hand.
Yes it does take some $$$ but it is not all about $$$.
A change of eating habits can make all the difference.

I had always enjoyed good health due to what I believe
was growing up
in a family of good cooks who always served
a mixture of appetizing and colorful foods.

But in my mid thirties, after years of overworking and undereating
compounded by attending night classes and stressing about getting ahead and putting up a successful front, I became very ill with menstrual troubles
as well as difficulty properly digesting foods.

Since I knew something about nutrition and herbal remedies,
I immediately made an appointment with a holistic clinic
and after having my hair analyzed was found
to be woefully short of hydrochloric acid, iron,
and a few other nutrients.

What I thought I needed was to go to a rural wellness center
for complete bed rest, massage, maximum nutrition, peace and quiet
but not being able to afford to miss work
I purchased a small box full - costing $300 – 400,
of nutriceuticals and protein powder from the clinic.

I began to feel immediately better on this regimen but halfway through I realized that I was going to have to come up with another plan or continue to shell out money I did not have.

After praying to my Creator and claiming Isaiah 53:5 … by His stripes we are healed …
I started down the road to wellness and healing in all areas of my life.

A major breakthrough happened when I stumbled upon
Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s book, Eat Right 4 Your Type

Dr D’Adamo’s case studies showed that his patients
were usually eating a monotonous diet of suboptimal foods
that led to a variety of illnesses which was improved
by changing and varying what they ate
based on his blood type charts.
After analyzing my eating habits,
I found I was eating mostly the same foods, mainly what I loved; especially corn: cornbread, popcorn. boiled corn, fried, on the cob ….
I rejoiced to know that I could feel well again by eating the right foods for my bloodtype. I compiled a list right away and began to eat my way back to wellness, slowly but surely!

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